About the District

Welcome to the Parkston School District "A great place to grow." Our school district operates under the AdvancedEd Accreditation program. We offer a variety of courses to meet the needs of our students in an ever-changing world. In addition to our fine academic program, we have exceptional athletic and co-curricular programs. We pride ourselves in our amazing staff and students. Parkston School District is a great place to grow and achieve.
In April 2006, the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI), Southern Association of Colleges and School Evaluation (NSSE) came together to form one strong unified organization dedicated to education quality. That unified organization, known as AdvancED, creates the United State and in 65 countries worldwide and educating 15 million students.
AdvancED leverages its size and global professional learning community to deliver the powerful combination of accreditation, research, and continuous improvement in a customized way to every school and district it serves.
Through AdvancED, NCA CASI and SCACASI now have defined shared, research-based accreditation standards that cross state, regional and national boundaries. The accreditation process is designed to help schools and districts continuously improve through a unified, clear and powerful approach. The accreditation process is based on five-year terms accreditation that provides ongoing external checks, support and feedback.
The inclusion of NSSE, the research and development arm of the regional accrediting associations, brings to schools and districts greater access to NSSE's products, services, and strong research base on the factors that impact students learning.
the combined strengths of NCA CASI, SACS CASI, and NCSSE under AdvanceED create a powerful organization built on and committed to advancing excellence in education worldwide.
AdvancED is the unified organization of the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACA CASI). AdvancED is dedicated to advancing excellence in education worldwide through accreditation, research, and professional service.
AdvancED creates the world's largest education community, representing 27,000 public and private schools and districts across the United States and in 65 countries worldwide, education 15 million students. NCA CASI and SACS CASI schools share a unified, clear and powerful accreditation process designed to help schools continuously improve.
Parkston Junior/ Senior High School has been accredited by the North Central Association since 1939. In 2007 the Parkston Elementary became part of the North Central Association.