Fall Sport Registration Information

Fall sports are quickly approaching. Make sure the following things are completed so that your child is ready to participate on the first day of practice.


  1. Annual Sport's Physical-- we need a new physical on file each year.

  2. Annual Concussion Baseline test-- this must be scheduled with Tony Kinneberg. Contact him via email at Tony.kinneberg@k12.sd.us

  3. Athlete registration-- found on the home page of school website or click underlined content.

These three things must be completed before the first day of practice. There will be a fall sports' kickoff meeting on July 30th at 6:00pm in the Parkston Armory.

Fall Practice Start Dates:

8/5-- Competitive Cheer Begins

8/8-- Varsity Football Begins

8/12-- Boys Golf Begins

8/15-- Varsity VB Begins

8/15-- XC Begins

Please contact the elementary office with any questions.