Jenn Gustafson, a board member from the Langford School District has been organizing this event at the Capitol in Pierre. Please read her information below and consider attending or sending people from your district.
I'm writing this morning to share information regarding an upcoming event. We are in the planning phase for a Stand with Public Education Event. On February 13th we reserved the President and Speaker lobbies behind the Senate and the House from 10:30-1:00. We plan to serve lunch and share information regarding public education. The ultimate goal would be to have representatives from all public schools in SD there in the capitol as a strong showing of support. While lobbyists' efforts are integral to the efforts, grassroots efforts do make an impact.
It has been a long time since public education proponents stood together. All too often we are divided over school size in our efforts for funding. This year we can stand united and potentially make a powerful impact. We propose to meet this new legislature, arguably a legislature like none other before in the history of SD, and show them the strength and pride that we have in our public schools.
I'm asking you today to please consider sharing this event with your organization members at large. We feel strongly that we offer great things to our students.
Please join the efforts. I look forward to seeing you in Pierre
Jenn Gustafson
Langford Area School Board Chair