One DAY closer to the Girls' State Tournament. Here's the plan for dress-up days and a community hospitality room! GO TROJANS!!!
about 15 hours ago, Adam Fischer
Dress Up Days
Community Hospitality Room
The Girls' State Tournament starts Thursday and runs through Saturday. The cheerleaders want to spread the word on dress-up days and school spirit!! GO TROJANS!!
1 day ago, Adam Fischer
Dress Up Days
The Parkston Trojan Boys' Basketball team will be in action today at 2:00pm, at home in the armory, with a trip to the SoDak16 on the line! This is a Region basketball game, so passes will not be allowed. Ticket prices are $6 for adults and $4 for students. GO TROJANS!!
4 days ago, Adam Fischer
Trojan Boys Basketball
State Girls Basketball T-Shirts can be ordered using the link below. Orders must be in by Sunday night! We play at 1:45 on Thursday in Huron. Hope to see you there! -Coach Knippling
4 days ago, Cole Knippling
Good Morning, Here is the schedule grades 6-12 will operate under today because of the late start. - 1st BLOCK - 10:15-11:15 - 3rd BLOCK (Lunch + class) 11:20-1:00 (Lunch times stay same) 11:55-12:25 and 12:25-1:00 - 2nd BLOCK 1:00-2:00 - 4th BLOCK 2:05 - 3:05
5 days ago, Cole Knippling
Congratulations to the Girls Basketball team!!!! Your Trojans are STATE BOUND #TrojanPride
5 days ago, Heather Andera
This is going to be such a fun project! Students AND parents please feel free to flood my email with pictures!
6 days ago, Heather Andera
Due to predicted worsening weather conditions, We will now dismiss school at 11:00am today. We will not be serving lunch. There will be no Region Boys Basketball tonight
7 days ago, Adam Fischer
Yesterday the Parkston FFA Chapter traveled to the Bridgewater-Emery CDE and competed in our first competition of the season! We had a great day and full results are posted below: Ag Business Management: 11th Place Team Gage Reichert-13th Place Ind., Carson Bueber-14th Place Ind., Quayden Culbert-51st Place Ind. Agronomy: 4th Place Team Brooklyn Wagner-5th Place Ind., Carter Konrad-16th Place Ind., Aiden Overby-25th Place Ind., Josiah Tapio- 57th Place Ind., Emma Wagner- 96th Place Ind. Floriculture: 1st Place Team Emily Walz- 2nd Place Ind., Alyssa Weisz-6th Place Ind., Izzy Leischner-10th Place Ind., Hilary Polreis-14th Place Ind., Claire Sommer- 36th Place Ind., Lexis Fleshner-117th Place Ind. Horse Evaluation: 1st Place Team Kahris Tapio-2nd Place Ind., Kenley Henke- 4th Place Ind., Emelia Tapio-11th Place Ind., Abby Goehring- 18th Place Ind., Tayah Smith- 74th Place Ind. Meats Evaluation: 10th Place Team Elle Goehring- 19th Place Ind., Ben Bialas 40th Place Ind., Isaac Soulek- 51st Place Ind., Killian Kummer-54th Place Ind., Mato LeRoy 68th Place Ind. Milk Quality and Products: 18th Place Team Radley Konrad-78th Place Ind., Kiptyn Shaefers 81st Place Ind., Wyatt Anderson 99th Place Ind. Natural Resources: 30th Place Team Levi Sprecher-104th Place Ind., Collin Thury-121st Place Ind., Jaxson Roth 136th Place Ind., Owen Weisz 144th Place Ind. Nursery Landscape: 2nd Place Team Drew Braley-3rd Place Ind., Elliott Leischner-6th Place Ind., Kyle Walz 7th Place Ind., Taylor Fink- 20th Ind. Poultry Evaluation: Andrew Weisz, 57th Place Ind.
8 days ago, Morgan Ackerman
Lots of amazing and fun singing happening today in Mitchell! Come support our students that are participating in the SDMEA Elementary Festival Choir this afternoon at the Mitchell Performing Arts Center. Doors open at 3:45pm, and the concert begins at 4:00pm!
8 days ago, Ashlynn Anderson
Elementary Festival Participants & Director Shelly Finck
"Let's take a funny one!!"
Reminder: Pre-school Screening is taking place on Wednesday and Thursday this week. If you have a child between the ages of 3 and 4 by September 1st, 2025, please call in to the elementary office to schedule a screening time. March 5th 8:30-2:30 March 6th 8:30-12:00 Thanks!
8 days ago, Adam Fischer
Ethan Parkston Track and Field - 2025 -Sign-up on our team website - (Click on the Sign-Up link and fill out the info.) -Grades 6-12 -First practice is Monday, March 17th. 4:00 in the Armory If you have questions, contact the following- Coach Joe Shepardson - Coach Jared Digmann -
9 days ago, Joe Shepardson
EP Track and Field
There will be a welcome home event for the wrestlers today at 1:00 at the school! We will celebrate a great season that included a 5th place finish at team duals and the State Tournament as well as several individual successes!! GO TROJANS!
10 days ago, Adam Fischer
Good Luck to our Parkston wrestlers as they compete on the final day of the State Tournament!!!
11 days ago, Adam Fischer
Congratulations to the Trojans on their win tonight over Avon!! They advance to the SoDak 16 and will play Highmore-Harrold on Thursday night.
12 days ago, Adam Fischer
Lady Trojans
Your Bi-Weekly Newsletter is here!
12 days ago, Heather Andera
Good luck to our all of our wrestlers who are competing in the State Tournament today!
13 days ago, Adam Fischer
Pottery Palooza is here! Get ready to get your hands dirty and unleash your creativity in our new after-school pottery class! Open to all 3rd–8th graders, with the option for younger siblings to join—just message to discuss details. Spots are limited, so don’t miss out on this awesome opportunity to sculpt, shape, and create! Questions? Contact Mrs. Mette at Let’s get muddy and make some masterpieces! adult classes coming soon along with summmer art camp schedule!
14 days ago, undefined
pottery classes
Educators Rising Members had a successful State Conference! PHS is proud to be growing future educators!
15 days ago, Carrie Kafka
Eleven PHS students attend the State Educators Rising Conference at Dakota State University. This conference allowed members who are passionate about education to attend workshops, break-out sessions, network, and compete in various competitions/contests. PHS is fortunate to have students who want to pursue the field of education at the post-secondary level. The following results were announced at state conference: Interactive Bulletin Board: Hilary Polreis – Gold *National Qualifier. Anna Weber & Aalehya Wilson – Gold *National Qualifier. Ava Laffey - Gold. Aida Mikkonen, Lexi Schonfelder – Gold. Myah Moege & Maggie Kabeisman – Gold. Icis Muilenburg – Silver Job Interview: Randi Norgaard – Silver Teacher Created Materials: Hilary Polreis & Icis Muilenburg – Gold *National Qualifier Lesson Plan Delivery: Mason Travis – Silver Ed Rising Moment: Myah Moege – Bronze, Aida Mikkonen – Bronze Special CONGRATUALTIONS to Hilary Polreis being named the NEW South Dakota Educators Rising STATE PRESIDENT! Hilary competed against nine other candidates to earn this title! So proud of you Hilary! Parkston should be proud of growing these future educators!
15 days ago, Carrie Kafka